Q: Where is the app available to download?
A: Kindly open this link to download the compatible app needed. https://www.bibvip.net/en_US/appDownload
Q: Is it available on the web as well in the mobile version?
A: Yes, it is available in four versions - iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac version.
Q: I cannot download the app in IOS, how can I solve this issue?
A: Kindly visit this link to walk you through the process of downloading the app via IOS, and hover down the lower part:
Q: Where can I find my User ID (UID)?
A: It is located in your account icon section.
Q: For any clarifications or questions, how can I reach out to customer support?
A: https://help.bibvip.com/en_us/cs-contact/
Q: When will be the Airdrop?
A: Please check our official Telegram group for announcements about the date of the airdrop
Q: Where will I receive the airdrop rewards?
A: Airdrop rewards will be directly airdropped to your BIB Exchange Wallet
Q: I have completed the tasks, why didn't I receive airdrop rewards?
A: The airdrop rewards are first come, first serve basis until the rewards pool is depleted.
Q: Do I need to sign-up using Whitelisted KOL/influencer's referral links?
A: YES, only users who signed up using KOL/influencer's referral link will be eligible for rewards. (Users who use the official referral link are eligible as well)
Q: I have completed the tasks, why didn't I receive airdrop rewards?
A: The airdrop rewards are first come, first serve basis until the rewards pool is depleted.
Q: How can I apply and get whitelisted as a community and KOL to be eligible for 10% commissions from the total rewards accumulated from user sign-ups?
A: Kindly message BIB Team to get your account and UID whitelisted. Submit your “Name” of the community or channel”, “Channel URL”, “Number of followers/subscribers”, and your “Referral Link”