1.Web users: If you encounter issues while using BIB services, you may search for solutions at [Help Center]. Please click the [Help Center] at the bottom of the homepage to get answers to the FAQs or click [Feedback] to ask questions or offer suggestions to us. If you are still unable to find a solution, please contact the official BIB Customer Support team via BIB mobile app.

2. App users: Log in to BIB App, tap the Support icon at the top right corner to access our 24hrs customer service.

3. App users can also tap [Contact Us], then [Feeback and Inquiries] to leave a message regarding any concerns or suggestions.

*Please state your questions as detailed as possible and provide the relevant supporting documents, e.g. screenshots or videos, so that the BIB support team can better assist you and handle your question.
If our customer support team can't handle your question and the conservation is marked as “Solved”, you may reply to the thread to submit your question again.